Kerala PSC latest notification for mechanic
CATEGORY NO: 442/2022
Last date for online application is December 14 2022
Applications are invited online only through One Time Registration from qualified candidates for
appointment in the undermentioned post .
1 Name of the Firm Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) Kerala Ltd.
2 Name of Post Mechanical Operator
3 Scale of pay ₹ 17000-37500/-
4 Number of vacancy 01(One)
(i)The above vacancy is now in existence. The Ranked List of selected candidates published by the
Commission in pursuance to this Notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year and a
maximum period of three years provided that the list will not continue to be in force if a new Ranked List
after the minimum period of expiry of one year is published. Candidates will be advised against the vacancy
shown above and for all the vacancies reported during the period of currency of the Ranked List.
(ii)The Kerala Public Service Commission shall have the power to cancel the advice for appointment of any
candidate to the above post, if it is subsequently found that such advise was made under some mistake. On
such cancellation the appointing authority shall terminate the service of candidate, provided that, the
cancellation of advice for appointment by the Commission and subsequent termination of service of the
candidate by the appointing authority shall be made within the period of probation or 240 days from the date
of joining duty whichever is earlier.
5 Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment
Note: Every person appointed to this post by direct
recruitment shall be on probation for a period of one year
within a continuous period of two years of service with
effect from the date of appointment.
6 Age Limit 18-36; Only candidates born between 02.01.1986 and
01.01.2004 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this
post. Other Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates
are eligible for usual age relaxation.
Note:- For other conditions regarding the age
relaxation please see Para 2(i), (ii),(iii), (iv),
(vi), (vii), (x) & (xii) of the General
7 Qualifications 1) SSLC or equivalent.
2) National Trade Certificate in the trade of
Machinist or Fitter
1 Rule 10 a (ii) of Part II of KS&SSR is applicable.
2 Instead of the qualifications mentioned in this notification, those qualifications declared by the
Government, though executive orders or standing orders, as equivalent to the one prescribed and
higher qualification which pre-suppose the acquisition of the qualification prescribed for the post, are
acceptable. Government Orders to prove equivalent or higher qualification shall be produced as and
when required by the Commission.
3 In the case of difference in original caste/community claimed in the application and that entered in
SSLC book, the candidate shall produce a Gazette notification in this regard, along with Non Creamy
Layer Certificate/Community Certificate at the time of certificate verification.
4 As per Rule 22 of the KPSC Rules of Procedure 1976,appropriate disciplinary action will be taken
against those candidates who submit application for the post with false claims of possession of
prescribed qualification,experience etc. and give confirmation for examination, irrespective of whether
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